Frequently Asked Questions

When should I start hypnobirthing classes?

Hypnobirthing classes can be done from around 20 weeks of pregnancy. The sooner you start, the more time you have to practise the techniques and the more effective it will be. It will also give you more time to think about what you want for your birth and talk to your care providers about your options.

Is it ever too late to start hypnobirthing?

Ideally you would start a hypnobirthing course before around 30 weeks of pregnancy (especially if you want to do a full course) because this will give you more time to put into practise what you learn. However, it is still possible to start after this and if you’re really late in your pregnancy, I also offer an intensive course. My hypnobirthing courses include techniques to help you during labour but they also provide a lot of information that is useful at any time during pregnancy.

How long does it take to learn hypnobirthing?

On average, you will find most full hypnobirthing courses last between eight to ten hours. However, it’s not just about the time you put in in the classes. The more practise you put in, the more beneficial it would be. So even if you start your course late, if you practise every day you will get more out of it than someone who does it early and never practises.

Can you use hypnobirthing during induction?

Absolutely! In fact, I would argue that it’s even more important to do hypnobirthing if you are having an induction and it’s also important to find the right hypnobirthing provider. My courses will leave you informed about what happens during induction and what your options might be. This means you can ask your care providers the right questions and make informed decisions about your induction. The techniques you will learn will also make labour easier for you and help you and your birth partner to navigate induction together. Having been induced twice (once before and once after I’d done hypnobirthing), I have personal experience of this! Click here to read about my positive induction!

If I do hypnobirthing, will I have a pain-free labour?

Unfortunately, I’m not able to guarantee this! But some mums who do hypnobirthing definitely do report having a pain-free labour. What hypnobirthing will do is teach you techniques to help you cope with any pain you might experience as well as helping you to feel informed about the different types of pain relief available.

Does my partner need to attend hypnobirthing classes?

They don’t have to, but I would highly recommend that they do. After all, if they’re going to be the one supporting you during the birth, they need to know what’s happening. It will also help you to make decisions around birth together, allowing your partner to advocate for you when the time comes. You can read a dad’s review of my course here.

Will hypnobirthing guarantee me the birth I want?

I would love to say yes to this, but we have to be realistic. Even the best planned births can throw curve balls which is why I encourage my clients to have a plan A, Plan B and even a Plan C. My course will go through all the options with you and help you plan for your optimum scenario but we will also consider what happens if Plan A is not an option and what you can do to still have a positive birth experience. You can’t plan for something you don’t fully understand, so that’s what I’m here to help you with!

Do you do group courses?

Yes! You can read all about my group courses here. I also offer private group courses.

Can you learn hypnobirthing without doing in-person classes?

These days, there are many different ways to learn hypnobirthing and you can definitely get something out of reading a book or doing a pre-recorded online course. But think about it like you would think about getting fit. If you just wanted to find out a bit about getting fit, you might read a book. If you wanted to get fit but also wanted to make friends, you might enrol in a pilates, Zumba or Body Pump class. If you were really serious about getting fit, you may even invest in a personal trainer. And signing up for hypnobirthing is similar. You can definitely learn from books and it is likely to improve your birth experience, but the more time (and money) you put in, the better your results are likely to be. Plus, if your partner is anything like mine, they won’t get round to reading the books (despite their best intentions) so doing a course means you’ll both be informed and be able to make your experience the best it can be.